Scraping data from the yellow pages was never easy in the past but the software made life easy for the marketers. Every marketer wants the best yellow page scraper which can extract the leads from yellow pages in a smooth and quick way without learning any technical skills because nobody can deny the importance of business leads in marketing.
Yellow Pages Leads Scraper
When you are looking for the best software or tool to scrape the data from yellow pages you might confuse because there are many tools available in the market but you have to choose the best yellow pages data scraper wisely that can scratch data in a large amount constantly and that can give you benefit for the long period of time.
Yellow Pages Leads Scraper is the best leads scraper that can extract the leads in a smooth and easy way, this is a very powerful leads scraper that has its own desktop application, and most importantly it can scrape the data from multiple country domain websites such as .au, .ca, .sg or .in, etc. you won’t have to buy multiple scrapers for multiple countries domain. You can extract the following data field from yellow pages with a simple couple of clicks. · Business Names
· Full Address
· Telephone
· Website link
· Email Address
· Reviews
Yellow Pages lead scraper can extract all other information according to your choice with its customization feature, other information may include an extra phone number, other links and working hours, etc.
Top Features of Yellow Pages Leads Scraper
There are many features of yellow Pages leads scraper that makes it unique from other yellow pages scraping tools, following are few of them:Download and Install Now for Free To Test
How to use the software